We aren’t talking about a difference of opinion or an honest mistake. “The depositions and discovery have shown, plain as day, Fox News personalities were spreading dangerous lies and promoting shameless liars, and what’s more-Fox knew it. Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, also said in communications that conspiracies like those advanced by regular Fox News guest Rudy Giuliani were “really crazy stuff.” When questioned under oath, Murdoch acknowledged that Fox News hosts endorsed false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
While the network repeatedly brought on Sidney Powell, who advanced baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, the communications show: host Tucker Carlson told his producer and colleagues Powell was lying producers for Laura Ingraham and Lou Dobbs told them each that Powell’s claims were “B.S.” Laura Ingraham herself said Powell was a “complete nut” and Senior Vice President Shah said Powell was “clearly full of it.” Internal Fox News communications disclosed as part of the Dominion lawsuit have revealed numerous instances of leaders at Fox News making clear they understood the claims being spread by guests and promoted by hosts on Fox News’ programming were false. Senator Murray’s speech comes on the heels of Tucker Carlson using his platform on a Fox News prime time show to try and downplay and outright erase the severity of the January 6 th insurrection-which led to serious injuries and even death among Capitol police-and amid recent revelations from the Dominion lawsuit that Fox News hosts, producers, and executives understood hosts were platforming conspiracy theorists to spread doubt on the results of the 2020 election, and that Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch used the network as a tool to advantage Republican political operations. In fact, they have been actively pushing lies and disinformation in the most cynical way possible.” “And yet, as the Dominion lawsuit is showing, Fox News has been utterly failing to meet it. That should not be too much to ask-truly it is the barest of minimums. They owe that to the people they cover, and the viewers who trust them. They have to at least try to tell the truth. I’m not even saying they have to be right 100 percent of the time-no one is. “And let me be clear, when I say ‘honest,’ I’m not saying reporters have to be utterly objective, or neutral, or impersonal.
For our democracy to work, for our great debates to guide it effectively, the people who inform our public-the free press that we so rightly cherish and protect-needs honest brokers. “But there is a basic premise that debate rests on, a basic responsibility inherent in these important rights: honesty. And that all informs a robust debate in our democracy so people can effect change with their voices and their votes, not violence,” said Senator Murray. “We live in a country with free speech and free press-thank goodness.

Senator Murray has previously spoken at length about her experience on January 6 th, when she had to lock down inside the Capitol building while it was being stormed by insurrectionists. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), took to the Senate floor to call out the lies being aired by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson regarding the insurrection on January 6 th, speak to her own personal experience in the Capitol on that day, and detail how recent revelations from Fox News internal communications reveal Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch used the network to coordinate with Republican political strategists, and that Fox News deliberately spread and promoted lies about the 2020 election to put profits, viewership, and politics ahead of the plain truth. *** WATCH: Senator Murray’s floor remarks***

It is a political entity that will gladly push disinformation and lies if it means profits or political gain. Fox is a political vehicle for Rupert Murdoch and his right-wing causes. Murray : “Here’s the honest truth public figures and other media outlets need to grapple with: Tucker Carlson is determined to make sure Fox ‘News’ is not ‘News’ at all.